The Shoulds and Should-Nots of Haircare
Healthy Hair Michaela Does My Hair Healthy Hair Michaela Does My Hair

The Shoulds and Should-Nots of Haircare

There are so many shoulds and should-nots when it comes to the world of hair - it’s no wonder that so many clients arrive to their appointments perplexed and a bit apprehensive. Let’s go over some of these different shoulds and should-nots and remove some confusion.

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Reference Guide: My Favorite Tools
Reference Guides: Must-Have Shopping Lists Michaela Does My Hair Reference Guides: Must-Have Shopping Lists Michaela Does My Hair

Reference Guide: My Favorite Tools

By now you've most likely read my reference guide laying out all of the tools that you need in order to keep your hair healthy (click here if you haven't).  But, what about the extra stuff?  The bonuses?  The things you don't absolutely need, but find incredibly helpful.  Don't worry, I'm here for that too.  I've got all of my favorite items and tools listed here for you.  Bonus: so many of these are available on Amazon!

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How to Protect Your Hair This Summer
Healthy Hair Michaela Does My Hair Healthy Hair Michaela Does My Hair

How to Protect Your Hair This Summer

Believe it or not, your hair is just as susceptible to damage from the sun and intense heat. Before you start sighing (because really, another concern to add to the list is just unneeded right now), rest assured that protecting your hair, its color and health can be a simple and painless process.

I’ve got 9 tips to share with you today to help you protect your hair this summer, so you can go on and enjoy the sun, sea and sand.

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10 Hair Myths You've Probably Believed
Healthy Hair Michaela Does My Hair Healthy Hair Michaela Does My Hair

10 Hair Myths You've Probably Believed

We’ve all done it - we’ve heard or read some beauty tip that sounded perfectly legitimate (albeit not at all backed by research or credibility), and we’ve given it a shot. We might have even figured, “hey, I don’t notice a difference to my hair, but they said it works. So I’ll keep doing it!”

As your resident hair expert and product lover, I’m here to clear up 10 hair myths you’ve probably believed, and might have even found yourself loving and living by.

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4 Steps to Revitalizing Dull Winter Hair
Healthy Hair Michaela Does My Hair Healthy Hair Michaela Does My Hair

4 Steps to Revitalizing Dull Winter Hair

As California is finally catching up with the rest of the country and experiencing fall weather, it's time to do a little post-summer (and post-quarantine) overhaul. Because if we’re all honest, *sigh* we really need it. Keep on reading to learn my 4 steps to refresh and revitalize your hair!

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